Now we are at the end of the season and I have only 1 more important race to go!! The big one!! IRC's!!!!! I'm really looking forward to it even though I am really nervous at the same time!! Throughout the season I have just felt stronger and stronger and now its just time to see all the hard work pay off! I have gone all season without a single defeat in the Eastern region league so that is always a plus!!! I have done Ipswich triathlon most recently which was a great success for me and the rest of my HPU team mates aswell!
I had a great race in my home city of Norwich at the Eastern region aquathlon championships! I came out of the water first very closely followed by HPU team mate Aaron Rae! Overall I finished 6th behind team mates Aaron and Elliot but still first girl!!
Also in July I took part in the first ever Norwich six bridges river swim!! It was a 1mile course through the centre of Norwich! I arrived that morning in the pouring rain not really knowing what to expect! Once we were all in the river we lined up and got ready to start! Everyone went off very fast, including myself! I thought it would be good if I could just keep with Matt Ellis, but I soon found myself pulling away from the rest of the field!! By the end I had managed to pull over 30 seconds ahead!! I was really chuffed and got an interview for the local news!!! I got a time of 18.02 which I was really happy about!!